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Do you have questions? We want to help. Below are common questions we receive and the answer you are seeking may already be right here.


If you have additional questions, please go to our contact page to connect with us.  The Traditions support team will respond with a quick answer for you.

I am a senior citizen. How can I receive Traditions frozen meals?
How do I order Traditions meals?
What is the best method to heat my Traditions frozen meal?
How do I store my Traditions frozen meal?
My Traditions box has different juices, breads and desserts. How do I know what items to eat with each meal?
Where can I get a list of allergens for Traditions meals?
What are the nutritional standards for the Traditions Variety Meal Packages?
What are the nutritional standards for the Traditions Bulk 20-Meal Packages?
What are the safety and sanitation procedures for the Traditions plant?
What do I do if an item in my frozen meal has expired?
How do I store and prepare my powdered milk?
There is too much information on the tray label. How do I know what information to read?
I can I learn more about Traditions?
Do Traditions meals contain MSG (monosodium glutamate)?